The Cost of Carrying Good News

Paul has just thanked the Thessalonians for the way in which they walk in a manner worthy of their calling, based on how they took Paul’s instructions from the beginning. They are in a season of uncertainty and chaos and he untangles the threads a bit so that they can see the fog of their circumstances. He wants to encourage them in what is going well, and charge them to keep walking faithfully!

“And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you receive the word of God, which you heard from us, you accept it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers. For you, brothers, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea. For you suffered the same things from your own countrymen as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out, and displease God and oppose all mankind by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they might be saved—so as always to fill up the measure of their sins. But wrath has come upon them at last!” — 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16

First, we will summarize what’s happening in this passage, and look at a few ways that we can learn from the Thessalonian church’s practices.

Let’s take a quick look at what Paul and his partners in the gospel constantly thank God for. Paul had a beautiful way with words, and I want us to see the beauty of the work of God in his language instead of getting lost in it. They accepted the Word of God instead of receiving it as worldly advice or opinions. They imitate the authentic church that started in Judea, so much so that they were persecuted by those around them. Then, Paul shares his disgust over a group of people that would so hate their fellow man that they would keep them from knowing that they could be saved by Jesus Christ.

Receive the Word of God fully!

We constantly have to be discerning of everything we read.

Political bias means that we are constantly reading between the lines and looking for facts. Even ChatGPT is biased and swayed by popularity. Gossip often makes headlines as news. False teachers are everywhere. As we decide who to follow online, we peer into our very limited view of their life and ask: Do these people have biblical accountability? Do they believe that the Bible is completely true? Are they caught up in their own understanding? On top of all this, we have the input of our own church culture and the opinions of our friends and family.

We are surrounded by worldly advice and opinions.

The noise is wearying.

But here is the good news.

Every single day we get to come to the Bible and breathe knowing that every word is true. Every word is meant for our formation. Every word can be received for our conviction and exhortation. Our mind finds endless marvels to study. Our heart finds deep comfort and affection as Christ’s beloved. Our soul finds its true, eternal home.

It is important to sift through the messages of the culture. This is not a call to put your head in the sand and abandon discernment. But we must give our minds an anchor, and that anchor must be the Word of God! If we live in a godless culture, we must be renewing our minds daily in the Word of God.

Creating your own truth is exhausting and changes at a pace that is impossible to keep up with. It leads to destruction and more confusion. Looking to others in the culture to give us all the answers leaves us feeling empty. These words are not merely good advice to consider from our fellow men - it is living and active and straight from the Holy Spirit! Come to the Way, the Truth, the Life. Receive the Word of God daily, with great joy!

Suffer persecution for Jesus.

Reading this passage reminded me of many things in our current day, but particularly the Gentiles that displeased God and opposed mankind caught my attention. This is strong, certain language. What did these people do, at the core, that made them oppose all mankind? They would not allow the message of the gospel to be shared.

It’s really easy in the culture we live in to err on the side of caution when it comes to sharing the gospel. We don’t want to deeply offend someone or turn them further away from Christ by saying the wrong thing. There are also times that it may lead to terrible relational strife, and being polarized from those in your workplace, family, or among your peers. But if we are honest, most days we just don’t want to be inconvenienced.

I believe that the church today needs to see the danger of religious inclusive language. We can lovingly share the gospel with clarity. To not share with others because of a feeling of discomfort they may have, or the persecution (however big or small) will come our way, shows us how we much we truly value our salvation! We protect others’ feelings too much when we are afraid to share good news with them. We protect others’ feelings too much when we care more for their immediate reaction instead of caring for their transfer from darkness to marvelous light! The people we interact with on a regular basis aren’t temporary PR problems to appease until 5PM. They are humans with real souls that are either in slavery to sin and headed for hell, or children of the day with an eternal inheritance kept with Christ!

May we interact with unbelievers with great intention, always ready to share about our hope in Jesus Christ. They may not see it yet, but it is truly for their good. We cannot control the outcome, but we can be faithful to share and faithful to pray. When it comes to sharing the gospel with love and the help of the Holy Spirit, we have nothing to lose. It may be costly, to our income or family relationships or our earthly body. But will we have eyes to see the Kingdom reality? Jesus is worth it, friends.

Pick up the Word of God every day, the sword of the Spirit. No matter what kind of persecution we have faced or will face in the future, rest in this truth as you armor up for the fight:

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. — Romans 8:18


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