The Power of God In Your Everyday Life

Seasons come, seasons go, and sometimes, seasons remain.

New seasons often present a blank page, a new chapter, and a chance to start fresh. For some, the change of a season could look like big life changes. A new job opportunity, moving to a new city, or even the fulfillment of a God size dream. On the other hand, it may feel as if this season of life is no different than the ones that have come before it.  The daily routine is the same as it has been for months on end, you find yourself folding laundry for the fifth time in a day, or you are once again sitting at the desk of your normal job. Everywhere you look it seems as if others around you have big exciting things happening in their life. All the while, you sit back watching their adventures unfold and continue to press forward in your never ending mundane routine. 

A Forgotten Shepherd Boy

I can only imagine this is how David once felt. When God called Samuel, the prophet, to go to Bethlehem, He instructed him to go to the home of Jesse. For it was amongst his sons that a King would be anointed (1 Samuel 16.1). Once Samuel arrived in Bethlehem, he invited Jesse and his sons to a sacrifice. As they arrived, Samuel looked at each of Jesse’s sons. After seven of his sons had passed by him Samuel said to Jesse “are all of your sons here (Paraphrase of 1. Samuel 16. 6-11)?” It was one thing for Jesse to neglect inviting his son David to the sacrifice, but he didn’t even mention to Samuel that he had a younger son who was out watching over the flock of sheep! Jesse had disqualified David in his mind because he was a young shepherd. Therefore, he was not fit in his father’s eyes to be present at the sacrificial ceremony. Jesse replied to Samuel “There remains the youngest, but behold, he is keeping the sheep (1. Sam. 16.11).”

David was a lowly shepherd boy. He was passed up by his brothers, forgotten by his father, and thought of as young and inexperienced by his peers. However, it was in the mundane season of his life that God was preparing him to do a remarkable task.

The Extraordinary in the Ordinary

David had to know how to defend the sheep he was keeping watch over. He had to learn defensive skills in order to fight off any wild animal that might be of threat to the flock. He became proficient in fighting off the enemy. Therefore, when all the men of the Israelite army were terrified to engage in battle against Goliath, it was David that went before Saul and offered to fight him (1. Samuel 17.32). Because of what he had experienced and learned in the day-to-day tasks of being a shepherd boy, David had the confidence and skills that were needed to defeat Goliath.  He was ready to use what he had learned in a mundane season of life to defeat the champion of the Philistine army. All while bringing honor and glory to God.

There will be seasons in our lives that won’t look very glamorous. In all honesty, the majority of our days will be consumed with common, everyday tasks that often go unnoticed. However, don’t discredit the days that are filled with normal activities. God is at work in every moment of our life. We can trust that He is using the everyday moments to honor and glorify Him. Romans 8.28 says “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” He is working everything together for good - even the mundane. 

Father, we thank You for holding all the seasons of our life in Your hands. Thank You for giving purpose to each day we have on this earth. May we never take any of the days that You have given us for granted. Help us to always look for opportunities to use the gifts and talents that You have given us to bring glory and honor to You alone.

Rachel Bridges

Rachel is a ministry wife living in the Texas Panhandle. Her main ministry in this season of life is to be a mom! Rachel is involved in teaching women’s Bible studies in her local church. Rachel loves to write about what God is teaching her and gather with women of all ages around the Word. You can find more of her Bible study teaching and writing on her Instagram @rachelcbridges!

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Weary Christian, Rebuild in the Strength of God